Tuesday 6 July 2010

Torture/murder do not exist if not written down by Police,FOI to ACPO

Torture/murder do not exist if not written down by Police

A Freedom of Information request to Association of Chief Police Officers by Joanna Iatridou

Currently waiting for a response from Association of Chief Police Officers, they must respond promptly and normally no later than 5 August 2010 (details).
Joanna Iatridou

6 July 2010

Dear Association of Chief Police Officers,

These questions under FOI should have been submitted by the big
players in Human rights: EHRC=Equality and Human Rights
Commissioner, Amnesty International,Liberty and perhaps the Home
Office,the MPs in the Commons and the Ministry of Justice.
They are afraid to ask the questions. I am also afraid, but I keep
fear for my life under control.

The question is this: torture and murder do not exist if the
Police, your juniors, refuse to write it down. Thanks to the Health
and Safety Commissioner silence & no record keeping since 1974 and
the Health Protection Agency silence and no record keeping since
2003, Police can refuse to write down torture and murder cases, in
my estimate a necessity 26 years already.
How does HSC, Health and Safety Commission-Health and Safety
Executive and the HPA create the opportunity for unwritten and
undocumented opportunity for the crimes of torture and murder in
the UK:non-ionizing radiation weapons, not the big army-war assets
like Raytheon ADS, but the lighter hand held Masers that shoot
through walls and can cripple or kill any target during sleep at
home. How? Because the Police, any Police station can refuse to
write down torture, attack by Masers on the basis that the target
cannot go to the HSE or the HPA and measure watts per kilo weight
because Masers and all directed energy weapons increase to abnormal
the body electricity storage, so attacks or torture like this can
be confirmed both by the HSE and the HPA. Plus, if the attacks
continue, dosimetry badges are the next stage of proof. With the
two proof methods guilty Homicidal ommission to supply and make
accessible by HSE and the HPA, the unauthorised use of Masers and
other handheld DEWs is not criminalized.

The question is: did you write down in any documentation or policy
re. abolition of torture that instead of demanding honest measuring
of watts/per kilo weight and dosimetry badges from the HSE and the
HPA, the targets of these weapons, betrayed by HSE and HPA, got to
be sectioned for mental illness?

Concerning intelligence management= if its not written down it does
not exist. If a target of Masers or other handheld DEWs goes to the
local Police and says: please raid or question the flat upstairs or
downstairs from me for beaming my home with DEWs and forcing me to
be homeless and sleep away or abandon my home to keep my life, the
Police will refuse to write down the complaint, play for time and
blast the target with an ADS, which again may cause the target a
heart attack but the HSE and HPA will not measure watts per kilo or
supply dosimetry badge for proof of crime= torture and murder

This is not about my personal experience, I reported mine to the
GMC and the Scottish Complaints Commissioner and established that
they expect I will disappear in some way, all thy got to do is play
for time and ship weapons that the HSE and the HPA will refuse to
measure on the targets body. Please show any documentation where
Police must not write down complaints of torture at home from DEWs
and the HSE and HPA must not do honest measuring and dosimetry
monitoring of the targets of these commonplace weapons.
From what I know I will ask for torture reports for Paolo Fiora,
Mary D. Hughes, Tim Rifat, Darrim Daoud, L Fang, M. Beth, M
Llewellyn Findlay and others, one hundred approx who are to
frightened to make their names known for now, from their local
Police stations and their Complaints Commission, because if their
torture was not written down, it did not exist in terms of
administration and therefore right to life and freedom of torture
had been abolished.
Please tell on this site what proof measures you can organise for
watt-kilo weight measuring and dosimetry plus what penalties for
criminal use of DEWs weapons here on this site, from now on and do
not play for time to blast me or my close friends family with any
of these "no-proof" "no-measuring" weapons. The big players in
human rights should be ashamed that a nobody ordinary member of the
public had to place this crucial question to you and not them.
Because the targets are justified to fear for their life and
accidental death, they got direct experience of DEWs and betrayal
by the HSE and HPA, the top experts in non-ionizing radiation. We
agree, that despite being a long question it has to be presented
here as the right to life and freedom from torture and writing down
cases of DEWS Masers torture and murder and stopping the opportunity
for these crimes by administration loopholes are matters of Huge
public benefit.

Yours faithfully,

Joanna Iatridou

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