Wednesday 7 July 2010

Police custody as a place of safety under the Mental Health Act 1983

This makes compelling reading, its from the IPCC website,
the link is

and I copy paste the most interesting passages:

" Approximately half of all deaths in or following police custody involve detainees with some form of mental health problem. The IPCC is keen to get a better insight into the issues concerning mental health and custody. A key way in which individuals with mental disorder may have contact with the police is when they are in a public place and are believed to be in need of ‘immediate care and control’. In these circumstances individuals can be detained by police officers under section 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983 and taken to a place of safety. A place of safety is defined as ‘hospital, police station, mental nursing home or residential home or any other suitable place ".

My comments what does this passage mean to me in real life conditions.

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