Saturday 28 August 2010

Waiting for the SPSA to reply with all my data to the SAR

The deadline to get a reply is 40 days and we are in the last 10 days wait. The SPSA had kept perfect silence about my SAR so far This is a catch 22 situation no win to be dodgy and avoid disclosing all data because two years ago I had a similar dodgy avoidance from the IPCC. I submitted a complaint because the Leyton Police had intentionally failed to catch my lookalike and her porno visual material. My IPCC complaint was deleted and a fake police officer called and left me a fake IPCC refrence number. It took me two monnths to find out I had been conned by a third party interfering between me and the IPCC and had to resubmit my complaint getting a 2-3 months delay.That was in the year 2008 when a hundred human rights lawyers resigned from working with the IPCC due to excessive obstruction of justice which usually is done by saying "we investigated and we found nothing".
Dodgy obstuction of justice are no win because the Police is accountable and are expected to fight real criminls ton send out slander to fund with public funds intrusive surveillance harassment.
My attitude is realistic. Disclosure of all heinous allegations that serve to keep funding intrusive surveillance and physical injuries hate campaigns and generalsabotage of my life work health and social standing.
On the other hand the SPSA cannot answer we got nothing on you under the prevention detection of crime Joanna and I will explain why next time.

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