Wednesday 4 August 2010

Tim Rifat attacked with DEWs and is torture DPA blocked, to procure torture?

I had asked the Sussex Police as Brighton is under Sussex, concerning Tim Rifat getting attacked and injured with DEWs:

Dear Sussex Police,

This is a FOI query,based on Tim Rifat who is resident of Brighton many years now, and has reported being attacked with DEWs and some murder attempts on
his life and an injury on his leg from DEWs, Masers etc. Question:

Is there existing documentation with torture and murder attempts complaints by Tim Rifat, written down and documented by you, or if a Police officer refused to write it down, torture does not exist?

Sussex Police answered today, "refused Section 40 (5) Personal Information – absolute exemption This exemption applies because the right given under the Act to request official information held by public authorities does not apply to personal data."

The clarification I wrote back is: that Tim Rifat had BROADCAST ON THE RADIO being attacked with DEWs and leg injury, so DPA does not apply. Torture and injury cannot be hidden under DPA. That would be procuring torture as this would stop his MP or Amnesty from helping him by asking questions.

We the public got a right to know if Tim Rifat is being threatened by his local Police with forceful detention in psychiatry if he reports DEWs attacks and torture.

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